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Carlos Roberto Santillán Rodríguez

Física de Materiales • TECNICO TITULAR C
+52 (614) 439 4848 carlos.santillan@cimav.edu.mx Chihuahua, Chih.


Áreas de Interés

Últimas publicaciones

  • Glyphosate Pattern Recognition Using Microwave- Interdigitated Sensors and Principal Component Analysis

    Carlos R. Santillán-Rodríguez, Renee Joselin Sáenz-Hernández, Cristina Grijalva-Castillo, Eutiquio Barrientos-Juarez, José Trinidad Elizalde-Galindo, José Matutes-Aquino
    AgriEngineering, Vol.6. No.. pp526-538 (2024)
  • Influence of single‑ionized oxygen vacancies on the generation of ferromagnetism in SnO2 and SnO2:Cr nanowires

    D. Montalvo, V. Gómez, W. de la Cruz, S. Camacho‑López, I. Rivero, K. Carrera, V. Orozco, C. Santillán, J. Matutes6, M. Herrera‑Zaldívar
  • Electron density distribution and microstructural spherical harmonic calculation of BaTiO3 powders and ceramics

    J. S. Uribe-Chavira, G. Herrera-Pérez, C. R. Santillán-Rodríguez, R. J. Sáenz-Hernández, J. A. Matutes-Aquino, M. C. Grijalva-Castillo
    JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, Vol.322. No.. pp123988 (2023)
  • Room temperature positive exchange bias in CoFeB/D019-Mn3Ge noncollinear antiferromagnetic thin films

    Idris Opeyemi Olayiwola, Carlos R. Santillán-Rodríguez, José A. Matutes-Aquino, Isis M. Cota-Martínez, Rocío M. Gutiérrez-Pérez, José T. Holguín-Momaca, Sion F. Olive-Méndez
    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol.. No.955. pp170279 (2023)
  • Electron density distribution and microstructural spherical harmonic calculation of BaTiO3 powders and ceramics

    J.S. Uribe-Chavira , G. Herrera-Perez, C.R. Santillan-Rodríguez, R.J. Saenz-Hernandez, J.A. Matutes-Aquino, M.C. Grijalva-Castillo
    JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, Vol.322. No.. pp (2023)
  • X-ray diffraction analysis by Rietveld refinement of FeAl alloys doped with Tb and its correlation on magnetostriction

    J. S. Uribe-Chavira, G. Herrera-Pérez, C. R. Santillán-Rodríguez, R. J. Sáenz-Hernández, J. A. Matutes-Aquino, M. C. Grijalva-Castillo
    JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol.. No.. pp1-8 (2022)
  • Effect of sintering time on structural, morphological and electrical properties of Sb-doped Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy superconductor

    M.Romero-Sánchez, T.Sánchez-Mera, J.Santos-Cruz, C.E.Pérez-García, M. de la L.Olvera, C.R.Santillán-Rodríguez, J.Matutes-Aquino, G.Contreras-Puente, F.de Moure-Flores
    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol.48. No.. pp16049-16053 (2022)