Guillermo Manuel Herrera Perez

Guillermo Manuel Herrera Perez

Física de Materiales • • SNI II
+52 (614) 439 4890 Chihuahua, Chih.



Universidad de Valencia (2013)

Doctorado en Ciencias

UNAM (2009)

Maestría en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales

UNAM (2004)


UNAM (1998)

Áreas de Interés

  • Espectroscopia de absorción de los rayos X y teoría multiplete
  • Nanoestructuras para aplicaciones antibacterianas y antifungicas

Últimas publicaciones

  • Exploring the impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on the biocontrol activity and plant growth promotion of Trichoderma asperellum

    Claudia A. Ramírez-Valdespino, Marlyn Morales-García, Guillermo Herrera-Pérez, Yordan J Romero-Contreras, Enrique García-Mireles, Joan Salas-Leiva, Susana González-Chávez, Socorro Tarango-Rivero and Erasmo Orrantia-Borunda
    Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, Vol.. No.. pp (2025)
  • Exploring the impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on the biocontrol activity and plant growth promotion of Trichoderma asperellum

    Claudia A. Ramírez-Valdespino, Marlyn Morales-García, Guillermo Herrera-Pérez, Yordan J Romero-Contreras, Enrique García-Mireles, Joan Salas-Leiva, Susana González-Chávez, Socorro Tarango-Rivero and Erasmo Orrantia-Borunda
    Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, Vol.. No.. pp100147 (2025)
  • Influence Morphology of Platelet-Shape for the Antibacterial Properties of ZnO Nanostructures. Journal of Microscopy and Microanalysis

    Araiza-Campos, A., Herrera-Pérez, G., Salas-Leiva, J.S., A., Luna-Velasco, A., Salas-Leiva, D., Campos-Chávez, E., Tovar-Ramírez, D., Romo-Chacón, A., Orrantia-Borunda, E., Paraguay-Delgado, F.
    MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, Vol.30. No.Supplement_1. pp (2024)
  • Mineralogical and textural analysis of natural Hercynite-spinel compounds

    Andrés I. Gonzalez-Jacquez, Jose G. Murillo-Ramírez, Cesar Modesto-Acosta, Guillermo Herrera-Perez, Karla Campos-Venegas, César Leyva-Porras, Vol.. No.. pp14 (2024)
  • Trichoderma and mycosynthesis of metal nanoparticles: role of their secondary metabolites

    Guillermo M. Herrera Pérez, Laura E. Castellano and Claudia A. Ramírez Valdespino
    JOURNAL OF FUNGI, Vol.10. No.7. pp (2024)
  • Low-cost and novel Arduino®-Load cell-based prototype to determine transition temperature measurements

    Luis Carlos Rodriguez Pacheco, Daniel Ladizabal Gutierrez, Francisco Paraguay Delgado, Luisa Camacho, Ruben Castañeda, Ivan Estrada Moreno, Guillermo Herrera Perez
    POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, Vol.34. No.1. ppe20240006. (2024)
  • Band gap narrowing of orthorhombic sodium tantalate by iron doping and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by water splitting

    Simon Flores Armendariz, Guillermo Herrera-Perez, Gerardo Zaragoza-Galan
    CATALYSIS LETTERS, Vol.. No.. pp (2024)
  • Optimization of in-situ Formation of a TiC Nanohybrid by Mechanical Alloying Using Stearic Acid and CNTs as Carbon Sources

    M. L. Camacho-Ríos, G. Herrera-Pérez, M. A. RuizEsparza-Rodriguez, R. Pérez-Bustamante, J. E. García-Herrera, J. A. Betancourt-Cantera, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez
    Journal of Composites Science, Vol.7. No.12. pp502 (2023)
  • Optimization of In Situ Formation of a Titanium Carbide Nanohybrid via Mechanical Alloying Using Stearic Acid and Carbon Nanotubes as Carbon Sources

    María Luisa Camacho-Ríos *,Guillermo Herrera-Pérez,Marco Antonio Ruiz Esparza-Rodríguez2,Raúl Pérez-Bustamante ,John Edison García-Herrera4,José Antonio Betancourt-Cantera , Daniel Lardizábal-Gutiérrez
    Journal of Composites Science, Vol.7. No.12. pp502 (2023)
  • Optimization of In Situ Formation of a Titanium Carbide Nanohybrid via Mechanical Alloying Using Stearic Acid and Carbon Nanotubes as Carbon Sources

    M.L. Camacho-Rios, G. Herrera-Perez, M. A. Ruiz-Esparza-Rodríguez, R. Pérez-Bustamante, J.E. García-Herrera, J.A. Betancourt-Cantera, D. Lardizábal-Gutiérrez
    Journal of Composites Science, Vol.7. No.12. pp502 (2023)
  • Study of the thermal decomposition of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) in different atmospheres: Effect of annealing on its structural and optical properties

    Juan D. Cristóbal-García, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado, Guillermo Herrera-Pérez, Luis E. Fuentes-Cobas, Juan C. Pantoja-Espinoza
  • Quasi-Diamond Platelet-Shaped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Display Enhanced Antibacterial Activity

    Araiza-Campos A, Dr. G. Herrera-Pérez, Dr. J. S. Salas-Leiva, M. Chávez-Beltrán de Río, A. Aguirre-Hernández, Dr. A. Luna-Velasco, Dr. D. Salas-Leiva, E. Campos-Chávez, Dr. D. Tovar-Ramírez, A. Romo-Chacón, Dr. E. Orrantia-Borunda, Dr. F. Paraguay-Delgado
    CHEMBIOCHEM, Vol.24. No.15. ppe202300542 (2023)
  • Point defects substitution mechanism in indium-doped LiNbO3 single crystals revealed by UV–Visible and Micro-Raman analysis

    J.G. Murillo-Ramírez, C. Alvarez-Herrera, J. Ceron-Solís, G. Herrera-Pérez, J. Castillo-Torres
    OPTICAL MATERIALS, Vol.142. No.. pp114050 (12pp) (2023)
  • Point defects substitution mechanism in indium-doped LiNbO3 single crystals revealed by UV–Visible and Micro-Raman analysis

    J. G. Murillo-Ramírez, C. Alvarez-Herrera, J. Cerón-Solís, G. Herrera-Pérez, J. Castillo-Torres
    OPTICAL MATERIALS, Vol.142. No.. pp114050 (2023)
  • Vacancies' effect on the ferroelectric and magnetic response of Eu-doped Bi0.85Pr0.15Fe0.97Mn0.03O3 thin films

    A. Ramirez-DelaCruz, Onyekachi Kalu, A. Nathan-Abutu, G. Herrera-Pérez, H. A. Martinez-Rodriguez, G. Rojas-Gorge, H. E. Esparza-Ponce, A. Reyes-Rojas
    SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, Vol.1. No.11. pp1- (2023)
  • Electron density distribution and microstructural spherical harmonic calculation of BaTiO3 powders and ceramics

    J. S. Uribe-Chavira, G. Herrera-Pérez, C. R. Santillán-Rodríguez, R. J. Sáenz-Hernández, J. A. Matutes-Aquino, M. C. Grijalva-Castillo
    JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, Vol.322. No.. pp123988 (2023)
  • The effect of charged defects on the local effective piezo-electric response for the polycrystalline lead-free BCZT bulk ceramic versus thin film

    G. Herrera-Pérez, O. Solís-Canto, C. Ornelas-Gutiérrez, J. Canche-Tello, A. Hurtado-Macías.
    PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, Vol.661. No.414946. pp9 (2023)
  • Synthesis, structural and optical properties of Cu doped ZnO and CuO–ZnO composite nanoparticles

    J.E. Morales-Mendoza, G. Herrera-Pérez, L. Fuentes-Cobas, L.A. Hermida-Montero, Nicolaza Pariona, F. Paraguay-Delgado
    Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, Vol.34. No.. pp100967 (2023)
  • Charge transfer effects and O2- vacancies in pure CuO nanofibers and enriched with 3.0% Mn

    M. Pinon-Espitia ̃ a,* , D. Lardizabal-Guti ́errez a , M.L. Camacho-Ríos a , G. Herrera-P ́erez b , A. Duarte-Moller c , M.T. Ochoa-Lara a
    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol.295. No.. pp126989 (2023)
  • EELS post-processing and multiplet calculation for Ce4+, Ce3+ valency determination in nanomaterials

    R. Borja -Urby, o. A. González-Vargas, V. A. Suárez-Torielo, G. Herrera-Pérez
    MRS Advances, Vol.. No.. pp (2022)
  • Charge transfer effects and O2- vacancies in pure CuO nanofibers and enriched with 3.0% Mn

    M. Piñon-Espitia, D. Lardizabal-Gutiérrez, M.L. Camacho-Ríos, G. Herrera-Pérez, A. Duarte-Moller, M.T. Ochoa-Lara
    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol.295. No.. pp1266989 (2022)
  • Influence of ex-situ Thermal Treatment on the Chemical States, Microstructure and Ferroelectrics Properties of Polycrystalline BiMnO3-δ Thin Films.

    G. V. Umoh1, J. T. Holguín-Momaca1, R. P. Talamantes1, G. Rojas-George2, G. Herrera-Pérez, R. López Antón, Francisco Servando Aguirre-Tostado, O. Auciello, S. F. Olive-Méndez,, and A. Hurtado-Macias,
    THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol.756. No.139362. pp11 (2022)
  • X-ray diffraction analysis by Rietveld refinement of FeAl alloys doped with Tb and its correlation on magnetostriction

    J. S. Uribe-Chavira, G. Herrera-Pérez, C. R. Santillán-Rodríguez, R. J. Sáenz-Hernández, J. A. Matutes-Aquino, M. C. Grijalva-Castillo
    JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol.. No.. pp1-8 (2022)
  • Band gap, complex dielectric function, and optical properties of Sb-doped lead-free KNN piezo-ceramics analyzed by VEELS-TEM

    J.E. Leal-Perez, G. Herrera-Perez, G.V. Umoh, A. Hurtado-Macias
    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol.284. No.126033. pp6 (2022)
  • Dispersion of graphite, Ceria, and nanohybrid Ceria-graphite in the 6063 aluminum alloy through powder metallurgy

    M.L. Camacho-Rios, C.G. Garay-Reyes, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez, I. Estrada-Guel, R. Perez-Bustamante, G. Herrera-Perez, A. Santos-Beltran, G. Rodríguez-Cabriales, C. D. Gomez-Esparza, R. Martínez-Sanchez
    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol.281. No.. pp125953 (2022)
  • Complex dielectric function and opto-electronic characterization using VEELS for the lead-free BCZT electro-ceramic perovskite

    G Herrera-Pérez, Carlos Ornelas-Gutiérrez, A Reyes-Montero, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado, Armando Reyes-Rojas, Luis Edmundo Fuentes-Cobas
    MICRON, Vol.149. No.1. pp103124 (2021)
  • Complex Dielectric Function via the Kramers-Kronig Analysis in the Valence Electron Energy-Loss spectrum for ZnTiO3.

    Juan Pantoja-Espinoza, G. Herrera-Perez, Carlos Ornelas-Gutiérrez, Jesus Uribe-Chavira, Miguel Meléndez-Zaragoza, Jesus Salinas-Gutiérrez, Alejandro López-Ortiz and Virginia Collins-Martínez
    MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, Vol.27. No.1. pp586-587 (2021)
  • Bandgap and Complex Dielectric Function from the Low-Loss Energy Spectrum for SnO2 Prismatic Nano-Rods.

    Javier Morales-Mendoza, G Herrera-Perez, Carlos Ornelas-Gutiérrez, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado
    MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, Vol.27. No.. pp590 (2021)
  • Inside the electronic structure of the Sm3Fe5O12 garnet: A mixed ab initio and experimental study

    M. U. González-Rivas, M. A. Ortiz-Medrano, G. Herrera-Pérez, G. G. Carbajal-Arízaga, R. Flores-Moreno , L. Fuentes-Cobas, M. E. Fuentes-Montero, M. García-Guaderrama
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol.104. No.. pp035151 (2021)
  • Electronic structure comparison of Cu 2p and O 1s X-Ray photoelectron spectra for CuxO nanofibers (x = 1, 2, i)

    M. Pinon-Espitia , D. Lardizábal-Gutiérrez, M.L. Camacho-Ríos, G. Herrera-Pérez , M. T. Ochoa-Lara
    MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol.272. No.. pp124981 (2021)
  • Enhancing Pr1-xBaxMnO3-d perovskite charge-transport by electronic structure modulation

    H. A. Martinez-Rodriguez, J. F. Jurado, G. Herrera-Perez, F. Espinoza-Magana, and A. Reyes-Rojas
    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol.56. No.. pp16510-16523 (2021)
  • Copper oxide nanoparticles slightly affect diversity and metabolic profiles of the prokaryotic community in pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) rhizospheric soil

    Joan Salas-Leiva, Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Dariel Tovar-Ramírez, Guillermo Herrera-Pérez, Socorro Tarango-Rivero, Antonia Luna-Velasco, Erasmo Orrantia-Borunda
    APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, Vol.157. No.103772. pp1-9 (2021)
  • Impact evaluation of high energy ball milling homogenization pro-cess in the phase distribution of Hydroxyapatite-Barium Titanate plasma spray biocoating

    Roberto Gómez Batres, Zelma S. Guzmán Escobedo, Karime Carrera Gutiérrez, Irene Leal Berumen, Abel Hurtado Macias, Guillermo Herrera Pérez, Víctor M. Orozco Carmona
    COATINGS, Vol.11. No.728. pp1-22 (2021)
  • Microstructural and optical properties of ZnO coatings from colloidal inks

    J. E. Morales-Mendoza, G. Herrera-Pérez, E.I. López-Martinez, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez, F. Paraguay-Delgado
    JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, Vol.23. No.34. pp1-14 (2021)
  • Microstructural and optical properties of ZnO coatings from colloidal inks

    J.E Morales-Mendoza, G. Herrera-Pérez, E.I. López-Martinez, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez y F. Paraguay-Delgado
    Journal of Nanoparticle Research , Vol.23. No.34. pp (2021)
  • Multiplet structure for perovskite-type Ba0.9Ca0.1Ti0.9Zr0.1O3 by core-hole spectroscopies

    G Herrera-Pérez, O Solis-Canto, G Silva-Vidaurri, S Pérez-García, R Borja-Urby, F Paraguay-Delgado, G Rojas-George, A Reyes-Rojas, L Fuentes-Cobas
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol.128. No.6. pp064106 (2020)
  • The influence of chelating agents on cerium oxide decorated on graphite synthesized by the hydrothermal route

    M.L. Camacho-Ríos. J.D. Cristóbal-García, D. Lardizabal-Gutiérrez, I. Estrada-Guel, G. Herrera-Pérez, M.Piñón-Espitia, R. Martínez-Sánchez
    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol.46. No.11. pp18791-18799 (2020)


  • Electronic and Magnetic Contribution for CuO and CuO Nanofibers Doped with Mn at 3.0%

    Manuel Piñon Espitia, Guillermo Herrera-Pérez, Martha T. Ochoa Lara
    IntechOpen, 2023 Reino Unido, ISBN:DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.112897
  • Growth of Single-Crystal LiNbO3 Particles by Aerosol-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition Method

    José G. Murillo, José A. Ocón, Guillermo M. Herrera, José R. Murillo-Ochoa, and Gabriela Ocón
    IntechOpen, 2019 México, ISBN:978-1-83962-676-0

Reconocimientos y Distinciones

  • ECS-IOP Trusted Reviewer status

    ECS-IOP The Electrochemical Society journals
  • Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel II

  • Modulo Mundo de los Materiales

  • 18 verano de la investigación

    Centro de investigación en Materiales Avanzados s. C.
  • Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1

  • Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1