Jaime Alvarez Quintana
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Últimas publicaciones
A plant based electrochemical device with transistor like behavior
Jaime Alvarez Quintana
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, Vol.379. No.1. pp9 (2024)The population growth model of electrostatic charges: a novel concept for engineering optimal performance triboelectric nanogenerators
Jaime Alvarez Quintana
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS, Vol.70. No.103951. pp10 (2024)Solid State Thermal Rectification by Chemical Pressure Tuning of Magnetic Properties in Perovskites
Jaime Alvarez Quintana
Thermal science and engineering progress, Vol.46. No.102169. pp10 (2023)Energy Production through Residual Heat Harvesting from Domestic/Commercial Fridges using Nanostructured Thermoelectric Modules
Jaime Alvarez Quintana
Thermal science and engineering progress, Vol.42. No.101952. pp13 (2023)Triboelectric nanogenerator based on electrodeposited Ag octahedral nano-assemblies
M. Edith Navarro-Segura, Margarita Sánchez-Domínguez, Ana Arizmendi-Morquecho, J. Alvarez-Quintana
JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, Vol.83. No. . pp478-495 (2023)Ultra-high Sensitivity Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Substrates Based on Au Nanostructured Hollow Octahedra
M. Edith Navarro-Segura, Rubén Dario Rivera-Rangel, Ana Arizmendi-Morquecho, Israel López, J. Alvarez-Quintana, Margarita Sanchez-Dominguez
APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY, Vol.29. No. . pp101598 (2022)Study of the Effect of Nitric Acid in Electrochemically Synthesized Silicon Nanocrystals: Tunability of Bright and Uniform Photoluminescence
Alfredo Morales-Sánchez, María Antonia Cardona-Castro, Liliana Licea-Jiménez, Liliana Palacios-Huerta, Antonio Coyopol, Sergio Alfonso Pérez-García, Jaime Alvarez-Quintana and Mario Moreno
NANOMATERIALS, Vol.12(12). No.2015. pp1-11 (2022)3D printing of ABS Nanocomposites. Comparison of processing and effects of multi-wall and single-wall carbon nanotubes on thermal, mechanical and electrical properties
Brenda Janett Alonso Gutierrez, Sithiprumnea Dul, Alessandro Pegoretti, J. Alvarez-Quintana, Luca Fambri.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol.121. No.. pp52-56 (2022)A novel enhanced performance thermal rectifier based on NPG functionalized carbon fibers
M. A. Cardona-Castro, J. A. Leon-Gil, and J. Alvarez-Quintana
Materials Advances, Vol.2. No.. pp12 (2021)Potential of functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes in flexible thermoelectrics
B. J. Alonso-Gutiérrez, L.G. Navarro-González, and J. Alvarez-Quintana,
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol.56. No.17112. pp18pp (2021)N-type amorphous silicon-germanium thin films with embedded nanocrystals as a novel thermoelectric material of elevated ZT
Carlos Roberto Ascencio-Hurtado, Alfonso Torres, Roberto Ambrosio, Mario Morenoa, Jaime Álvarez-Quintana, Abel Hurtado-Macías
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol.890. No.161843. pp9 (2021)Investigation of the Effects of Multi-Wall and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Concentration on the Properties of ABS Nanocomposites
Brenda Janett Alonso Gutierrez, Sithiprumnea Dul, Alessandro Pegoretti, J. Alvarez-Quintana, Luca Fambri.
C: Journal of Carbon Research, Vol.7. No.33. pp18pp (2021)Anisotropic thermal conductivity in lattice transition thermal rectifiers
Jaime Alvarez Quintana
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.54. No.F.I. 3.207(2020) No. 185301. pp6pp (2021)Robust Metallic Nanolaminates Having Phonon-Glass Thermal Conductivity
Francisco Alfredo García-Pastor, Josué Benjamín Montelongo-Vega, Marco Vinicio Tovar-Padilla, María Antonia Cardona-Castro, and Jaime Alvarez-Quintana*
MATERIALS,An elementary photo-thermoelectric transistor: Experimental demonstration
L. C. Rave-Osorio, and J. Alvarez-Quintana
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,Enhanced performance nanostructured thermoelectric converter for self-powering health sensors
F.U. Paras-Hernandez, A. Fabian-Mijangos, M.A. Cardona-Castro, J. Alvarez-Quintana
SIN REVISTA, Vol.74. No.. pp104854 (2020)
M. Edith Navarro-Segura, Rubén Darío Rivera-Rangel, Ana Arizmendi- Morquecho, J. Alvarez-Quintana, Margarita Sánchez-Domínguez
PUNTO ROJO LIBROS, S.L., 2023 España, ISBN:979-83-98188-08-0Thermoelectric Devices: Influence of the Legs Geometry and Parasitic Contact Resistances on ZT
Angel Fabian-Mijangos and Jaime Alvarez-Quintana
IntechOpen, 2018 México, ISBN:978-1-78923-441-1Chapter 8: Carbon Polymer Nanocomposites
M.A. Velasco-Soto, J.A. León-Gil, J. Alvarez-Quintana, S.A. Pérez-García, B. Laine, C. Mercader, S. Jestin, R. Rychwalski, L. Licea-Jiménez
Elsevier, 2016 México, ISBN:978-0-12-801578-0Thin Film Solar Cells: Modeling, Obtaining and Applications
P.P. Horley, L. Licea Jiménez, S.A. Pérez GarcÃa, J. Ã?lvarez Quintana, Yu.V. Vorobiev, R. RamÃrez Bon, V.P. Makhniy and J. González Hernández
InTech, 2013 México, ISBN:ISBN 978-953-51-0969
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