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Luis de la Torre Sáenz

Ingenieria y Química de Materiales • TECNICO TITULAR C
+52 (614) 439 2032 luis.delatorre@cimav.edu.mx Chihuahua, Chih.


Áreas de Interés

Últimas publicaciones

  • Novel 3D printing filaments: PLA and zinc carbonate basic composites for laser-assisted thermal decomposition

    Luis C Rodriguez-Pacheco, Daniel Lardizabal-Gutierrez, Juan C Pantoja-Espinoza, Luis de la Torre-Saenz, Ivan A Estrada-Moreno, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado
  • Lepidolite characterization using a selection of techniques

    H.E. Esparza-Ponce, A. Reyes-Rojas, L. E. Fuentes-Cobas, L. De la Torre Sáenz, A. Aguilar Elguezabal
    MRS Advances, Vol.8. No.20. pp1144-1149 (2023)
  • Fe-N-C Self-Doped Sewage Sludge-Derived Biocarbon With Catalytic Activity For The Oxygen Reduction Reaction

    I. L. Alonso-Lemus,, B. Escobar-Morales, F. Fernández-Luqueño, P. Quintana, Luis de la torre Sáenz, and F.J. Rodríguez Varela
    ECS Transactions, Vol.108. No.7. pp91-97 (2022)
  • Methanol Detection in Commercial Sanitizing Gels, During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Luis de la Torre-Sáenz, Daniel Lardizábal-Gutiérrez, Ivanovich Estrada-Guel, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado
    Tecnociencia Chihuahua, Vol.XV. No.1 e 761. pp1-10 (2021)
  • Methanol Detection in Commercial Sanitizing Gels, During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Luis de la Torre Sáenz, Daniel Lardizábal-Gutiérrez, Ivanovich Estrada-Guel, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado
    Tecnociencia Chihuahua, Vol.XV. No.1. pp16-25 (2021)
  • Short-route synthesis method of N-doped exfoliated graphite whit catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction reaction.

    Daniel Lardizábal-G, IL Alonso-Lemus, L de la Torre Saenz, A Aguilar-Elguezabal, Ysmael Verde-Gómez
    SIN REVISTA, Vol.5. No.57-58. pp2939-2946 (2020)
  • Ionic liquid as green solvent for the synthesis of a-terpineol from a-pinene ISSN: 2352-5541

    A. Aguilar-Elguezabal, L. De la Torre-Sáenz, M. Román Aguirre and L. Álvarez-Contreras
    SIN REVISTA, Vol.2020. No.15. pp100207 (2020)