Mario Sánchez Vázquez
Áreas de Interés
Últimas publicaciones
Adsorption of methane and carbon dioxide on boron, aluminum, and gallium-coordinated ortho-phenylene-bridged cyclic pyrrole complexes
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Adalid Armenta, Mario Sánchez
COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.1241. No.. pp114928 (2024)Unveiling the Spectroscopic Signatures of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) by Controlling Polaron and Bipolaron Concentrations
Rodrigo Rubio-Govea, Amanda Opis-Basilio, Adalid Torres, Mario Sánchez, Kallol Ray, Katherine A. Mazzio
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, Vol.128. No.. pp18612 (2024)Hydrogen adsorption by borophene-metal (Li–Cs): A DFT study
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Paul Horley, Rodrigo Domínguez-García, Mario Sanchez
MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, Vol.41. No.. pp110631 (2024)Nanoscale Dodecahedral and Fullerene-Type Organoboroxine and Borazine Cages from Planar Building Units
Mario Sánchez, Jonas Baltrusaitis, María G. Vasquez-Ríos, Gonzalo Campillo-Alvarado, Leonard R. MacGillivray, Herbert Höpfl
NANO LETTERS, Vol.24. No.. pp5824 (2024)Use of Novel Homochiral Thioureas Camphor Derived as Asymmetric Organocatalysts in the Stereoselective Formation of Glycosidic Bonds
Mildred López, Gabriela Huelgas, Mario Sánchez, Adalid Armenta, Angel Mendoza, José Daniel Lozada-Ramírez, Cecilia Anaya de Parrodi
MOLECULES, Vol.29. No.. pp811 (2024)Metal-adorned borophene for efficient glucose adsorption
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Paul Horley, Mario Sanchez
COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.1231. No.. pp114403 (2024)Hydrogen adsorption on lithium clusters coordinated to a gC3N4 cavity
Alicia Guardado, Marisol Ibarra-Rodriguez, Rodrigo Mayén-Mondragón, Mario Sánchez
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Vol.122. No.. pp108491 (2023)Green synthesis of BOSCHIBAs: Photo- and water stability, cytotoxicity assays, and theoretical calculations
Molina-Paredes A.A., Pérez V.M.J., Bahena-Villarreal M.R., Sánchez M., Cavazos-Jaramillo A.A., Alcocer-González J.M., Saucedo-Yañez A., Mosqueda C.D.Á., Lara-Cerón J.A., Flores B.M.M.
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, Vol.1271. No.. pp134122 (2023)Isomeric tetrazole-based organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells: Structure-property relationships
da Silva L., Sánchez M., Ibarra-Rodriguez M., Freeman H.S.
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, Vol.1250. No.. pp131749 (2022)Coordination of molecular hydrogen to alkali metal pentalenide complexes
Morales-Meza S., Sánchez-Castro M.E., Ibarra-Rodríguez M., Sánchez M.
CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol.1271. No.. pp134122 (2022)Aluminum Clusters (N=2-6) on CTF-0 Monolayer for Adsorption of Atrazine: Investigated by Density Functional Theory
Ibarra-Rodríguez M., Sánchez M.
JOURNAL OF THE MEXICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.66. No.. pp330-342 (2022)Stability of intermediate states in the surface lithiation process of silicene
Mateo Arango-Ramírez a,b, Mario S ́anchez c, Ernesto Chigo Anota d, A.M. Garay-Tapia
FlatChem, Vol.34. No.100396. pp (2022)The role of supramolecular interactions and pyridine groups in the (photo)electrocatalytic properties of a non-precious Co-based MOF
Alfonso-Herrera L.A., Rivera-Villanueva J.M., Sánchez-Vázquez M., González-Araiza D., Torres-Martínez L.M., Mora-Hernandez J.M.
Sustainable Energy and Fuels, Vol.6. No.. pp2532-2541 (2022)Adsorption of metformin on graphitic carbon nitride functionalized with metals of group 1–3 (Li, Na, K, Be, Mg, Ca, B, Al, and Ga), DFT calculations
Ibarra-Rodríguez M., Sánchez M.
COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.1207. No.. pp113532 (2022)Theoretical study of boron, beryllium and lithium clusters (n=2-6), adsorption on graphitic carbon nitride and the study of acceptordonor orbital of the coordination of a styrene molecule on [cluster/gC3N4] systems
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Mario Sánchez
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Vol.102. No.. pp107772 (2021)Chitosan functionalized with 2-methylpyridine cross-linker cellulose to adsorb Pb(II) from water
Lozano-Montante J., Garza-Hernández R., Sánchez M., Moran-Palacio E., Niño-Medina G., Almada M., Hernández-García L.
Polymers, Vol.13. No.. pp3166 (2021)The development and characterization of a cotton–chitosan composite for lead removal from water
Alonso-Segura D., Hernández-García L., Menchaca-Arredondo J., Sánchez M., Chamorro-Garza B., Garza-Hernández R.
POLYMERS, Vol.13. No.. pp2066 (2021)Lithium clusters on graphene surface and their ability to adsorb hydrogen molecules
Ibarra-Rodríguez M., Sánchez M.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.46. No.. pp21984-21993 (2021)Adsorption of adrucil on [La-CTF-0]3+ system for drug delivery by density functional theory
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Mario Sánchez
COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.1201. No.. pp113294 (2021)Highly efficient methyl orange adsorption by UV-012, a new crystalline Co(II) MOF
Ramírez D.J., Alfonso Herrera L.A., Colorado-Peralta R., Rodríguez R.P., Camarillo Reyes P.K., Chiñas L.E., Sánchez M., Rivera J.M.
CRYSTENGCOMM, Vol.23. No.. pp3537-3548 (2021)High Performance Pt Nanocatalysts for the Oxidation of Methanol and Ethanol in Acid Media by Effect of Functionalizing Carbon Supports with Ru Organometallic Compounds
J. C. Martínez-Loyola, A. A. Siller-Ceniceros, M. E. Sánchez-Castro, M. Sánchez, J. R. Torres-Lubián, B. Escobar-Morales, C. Ornelas, I. L. Alonso-Lemus, F. J. Rodríguez-Varela
JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol.167. No.. pp164502 (2020)Influence of halogens on organometallic open pentadienyl lanthanum complexes XLa(C5H7)2 (X = H, F–I)
Kati Medina‑Dzul, Sharity Molares‑Meza, Andrés Garay‑Tapia, Carlos J. Alvarado‑López, Mario Sánchez
MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE, Vol.151. No.. pp1525 (2020)New tetrazole based dyes as effcient co-sensitizers for dsscs: Structure-properties relationship
Luciano da Silva, Mario Sanchez, Harold S. Freeman
SIN REVISTA, Vol.87. No.. pp105964 (2020)Adsorption of H2, N2, CO, H2S, NH3, SO2 and CH4 on Li-functionalized graphitic carbon nitride investigated by density functional theory
Marisol Ibarra-Rodríguez, Mario Sánchez
BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, Vol.43. No.. pp144 (2020)Spectroscopic and computational analysis of the (E/Z)-isomers in the synthesis of new alkyl-oxime derivatives
Esmeralda Sanchez-Pavón, Sharon Rosete-Luna, Raúl Colorado-Peralta, Ma Fernanda Hernandez-Hernández, Mario Sánchez, Angelina Flores-Parra, Oscar García-Barradas, Delia Hernandez-Romero
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, Vol.1219. No.. pp128563 (2020)Graphitic carbon nitride functionalized with four boron atoms for adsorption and separation of CO2/CH4: DFT calculations
Marisol Ibarra‑Rodríguez, Mario Sánchez
Adsorption, Vol.26. No.. pp597-605 (2020)
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SNII nivel 2
ConahcytI taller de nanociencias y nanotecnología
Coordinador de Curso-TallerSNI Nivel 1
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (CONACYT)