Durango Unit

The Durango Unit of Cimav is in the capital city of the State of Durango, Mexico. It was established in 2014 to provide the region with research+development+innovation (R+D+I) support in energy and environmental protection issues. From a geographical point of view, it is strategically located in a semi-arid region featuring high solar radiation and seasonal water shortages.

This Academic Unit focuses its activities on the development of research projects with a criterion of excellence in Sustainable Engineering. Research areas include Renewable Energies, Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Engineering, with an overarching objective of promoting the sustainable development of the country.

It provides technological and innovative solutions to the productive, academic, and social sectors via services, consultancies, consultations, and generation of technological development.
It trains highly specialized human resources to satisfy the academic-scientific and industrial demand of Mexico. The postgraduate courses belong to the register of the National Program of Quality Postgraduate Courses (PNPC):

  • • Master’s in Environmental Science and Technology
  • • Doctorate in Environmental Science and Technology

Director de la Unidad Durango:
Dr. Ignacio Martín Domínguez
Tel. +52 (614) 439 4898