Monterrey Unit

Cimav Unidad Monterrey is strategically located within the Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PIIT), a fourth-generation scientific and technological complex based on the triple helix model (collaboration between Government-Academia-Industry). The PIIT houses 8 higher education institutions (both national and foreign), 24 research centers (10 public and 14 private) and 2 incubators. The PIIT is a R+D+I specialized ecosystem that boosts the economy of knowledge.

Cimav’s Unidad Monterrey, being a part of the PIIT, is strengthened along with all the institutions as each of them brings knowledge and work, collaborates with top-level scientific and technological infrastructure and collaborates with highly trained personnel.

This Cimav’s unit possesses a highly qualified multidisciplinary team of researchers including design, synthesis, modification, characterization and micro and nanometric-levels materials application specialists. The different lines of research are interwoven with the objective of creating knowledge and developing scientific and technological advances to escalate them at an industrial level.

In alignment with the Cimav’s strategic objectives, the Unidad Monterrey conducts research on advanced materials with applications on the energy, environment and health fields; it forms highly specialized human capital, and conducts outreach activities with the industrial sector.

Among its lines of research are:

Drs. Virginia Collins Martínez

The multidisciplinary group of researchers in this unit stands out for working with materials at micro and nanometer levels in order to create basic scientific knowledge and address the needs of the industry.

Cimav-Monterrey has a team of specialists who designs the materials at the theoretical level, then in the laboratory they develop them experimentally and then characterize them in order to evaluate their properties, all this in an iterative cycle, to finally scale it to an industrial level.

The capacity of their laboratories covers a wide range of services, among them: nanomaterials synthesis, modification, characterization, manufacture and development, as well as functional materials. Its infrastructure also allows determining physical and chemical properties of materials at an atomic level. One of the main objectives is to serve the local and national industry.

Within the same technological park, Cimav-Monterrey researchers provide services to the soft drink, energy, electronics, mining, metallurgical, automotive, health and food industries, just to name a few.

The ceramic, aeronautical, automotive, metallurgical and construction sectors are highlighted as the main external sectors served by this unit at the local and national level.

Postgraduate Studies

The formation of highly specialized human resources through its postgraduate programs is one of the focal points of Cimav-Monterrey. It trains outstanding professionals with the purpose of encouraging them to work in strategic areas of the country and seeks to strengthen a collaboration network in the academic, industrial and research sectors.

In this unit are taught the Master Degree and Doctoral Degree in Materials Science; Master of Science in Science and Technology Marketing, and Doctorate in Nanotechnology. The latter is a joint degree program with the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín in Colombia and the University of Texas in Dallas. The joint degree enhances the graduates’ academic profile and offers more advantages in the labor market.